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Parmis of the World

Parmis of the World
on 16 August 2024 in News

Explore global flavours, one parmi at a time!

Take your taste buds on an international journey with our Parmis of the World experience! Enjoy our Parmi & Pot Tuesday dinner offer and discover six unique chicken parmigianas, each inspired by a different country’s signature flavours. From the bold spices of Mexico to the rich tastes of Italy, every bite is an adventure.

With every country parmi you try, you’ll earn a stamp in your Parmi Passport. Stamp your passport with all 6 countries and your 7th parmi is on us – FREE!

Choose between the delicious Italian, American, Australian, Spanish, Atlantis or Mexican parmis, paired perfectly with a refreshing brew of your choice – all for just $25!